TOMS RIVER – Township officials have called in towing services to remove a sunken and abandoned vessel that’s been in a local lagoon for a year.
The sailboat, which sunk last year, posed a threat to boaters and nearby property owners, township officials said. The boat was previously docked at 333 Aldo Drive, but broke loose from its mooring in early January due to a storm.

Residents were concerned about the potential hazard the sunken boat could bring and possible damage to nearby bulkheads.
The township contacted the New Jersey State Police who declined to take action on the matter.
As a result of neighbors’ continued concerns, Mayor Daniel T. Rodrick made the decision that the boat needed to be removed and contracted with USA Tow to safely raise and remove the boat on January 26.
The boat was towed to a boat storage yard in Brick Township and Mayor Rodrick said the township will place a lien on the home.

“If we waited for the state to clear the waterway, we will be waiting for months or years. My administration took immediate action and will be putting a lien against the home that it broke loose from,” Mayor Rodrick said.