TOMS RIVER – Students from secondary schools throughout Toms River Regional schools participated in the Jersey Shore Science Fair held at Stockton University Science Fair recently and, once again, performed extremely well. At the intermediate level, the following students won places in their respective categories, with several advancing by earning first or second place:
Intermediate North
- Dugan Tunney won second place in Physics, and is invited to participate in the Delaware Valley Science (DelVal) Fair in April.
- Emma Mastriano won honorable mention in Botany.
- Isabella Merlino and Michelle Zuraw won honorable mention in the Team category.
Intermediate East
- Samantha Capili won honorable mention in Behavioral Science.
- Alexandra Kanterezhi-Gatto won second place in Botany, and is invited to participate in the Delaware Valley Science Fair.
Intermediate South
- Chloe Wnek took first place in Botany.
- Julia Cavanaugh won second place in Environmental. Both girls are moving on to DelVal.
Students in grades 9 to 12 who placed first-through-third in their category were invited to compete April 6 at the Delaware Valley Science Fair. For High School North, that included all five competing students:
- First place: Julietta Onofrietti Effects of the Bioactive Properties of Various Microalgae on Prevalent Oral Pathogens
- First place: Katie Culbert Continuous-Release Mist Diffusion of Thymol-Based Essential Oils for Varroa Control: The Field Study
- Second place: Vivianna Onofrietti Plant-Derived Fruit Seed Oils Inhibitory Effects on Predominant Microorganisms During Orthodontic Treatment
- Third place: Aryan Kumar Effect of NF1 Gene Mutations on Neuroblastoma Progression
- Third place: Darsh Patel A Novel Design of a Military Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) Vehicle
The district extends a hearty congratulations to all students who competed, and wishes the best of luck to those moving on to Delaware Valley.